Maulana Qasim Nanotwi (founder of Deobandi Movement) when debating Christians  said that Isa(as) and Shri Krishan and Shri Ram Chandar in refuting their divinity, gave the reason that since they have all died they can not be taken as gods besides Allah

"Then in prief elaboration in the large gathering he repeatedly said  Specially Hadrat Isa(as) and Shri Krishan Raam Chandar and Shri Krishan taking them as gods beside Allah is againt intelligence and to believe that they still eat and drink. They are subject to defecation, uriniation, and death.

A prominent Deobandi Alim Muhammad Yusuf Binorvi's Sahibzadae Sulayman Yusuf Binorvi in his father's book's prolouge accept that very prominent ulema whose's stature is a daleel in of itself believed that Isa(as) died.

This time that we are existing in currently is a state of bad times with big trials. In the history of humanity, humanity at large and Muslims have been overtaken by such trials. Muslims in their capacity of being Muslims that they are involved in are possibly in the entire tarikh that there is no example of them, from all directions these fitna have assaulted and attacked Islam that all can be said ìs Allah maan Hafeez! Different types of fitne are arising. Belief wise, action wise, apparently and mysteriously all kinds of fitna are arising, however the most dangerous one is that of belief. Of these belief fitnas one of them is Nazul e Masih