The real difference between the Ahmadi Muslim and Non-Ahmadi view of Khatme Nabuwaat is of one word, new and old. We believe in a prophet after the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  who is new, as in he is given prophethood. Non-Ahmadi Muslims say that after Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ a prophet will come but he will be an old prophet. So, in reality, there is no difference in our view of Khatme Nabuwaat but it is they who are rejecting aqeedah of Khatme Nabuwaat. On one hand, they say we believe in the Finality of Prophethood but on the other hand they take a masih-nabiullah from a different ummat and make him descend in our ummah. So, in reality, their belief contradicts the Finality of Prophethood from the Quran and Ahadith. Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said "La Nabi Abadee"(No Prophet After me). Does this saying mention anything about no prophet being born in the ummah or no new prophet or no new old prophet? Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  said "Anna Khatam Nabiyeen wa la nabi abdee"(I am the Seal of the Prophets and there is no Prophet after me). But our opponents make the claim that no prophet will be born after Holy Prophet Muhammad(sa)/no person will be given prophethood after Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

The contradictory beliefs of Non-Ahmadi Muslims:
Aqeedah 1: No Prophet After Muhammad ﷺ  [Absolute]
Aqeedah 2: Jesus(pbuh) will be a prophet after Muhammad ﷺ

These two aqaidah are contradictory. If we compare the actual belief of Non-Ahmadi Muslims and Ahmadi Muslims it becomes patently clear that there is no real issue. To illustrate this we will have to use a form of programming code as it highlights the power of each statement.

Non-Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  is the Last Prophet
Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Last Prophet

Now, of course, both of these statements are not fully complete. Both groups have modifiers.

Non-Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  is the Last Prophet but [insert condition]
Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Last Prophet but [insert condition]

Now to fill in those conditions:

 Non-Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ  is the Last Prophet but [Isa(as) will return as a Prophet]
Ahmadi Muslim: Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the Last Prophet but [a non-law bearing prophet inside of our ummah can exist.]

It is purely deceptive to be a Non-Ahmadi Muslim and act like La Nabi Abadee in its absolute forms is your belief because while La Nabi Abadee was definitely a saying of Rasulullah he also prophecized the coming of the Masih as a Nabi after him.. When Non Ahmadis act like La Nabi Abadee, in its absolute form , is their belief then they will make the fallacious argument that your belief. as an Ahmadi Muslim, is against the belief of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ when in reality by their logic their own belief is against the saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. It is wrong to surmise their beliefs as La Nabi Abadee(No Prophet after Me) because it is, in reality, it is La Nabi Abadee illa Isa(No Prophet after Me except Jesus). Non Ahmadi Muslims are using double standards to claim that we are in violation of the Finality of Prophethood.

Before we begin the question of whether prophethood has been closed or which prophethood has been closed, we must define which types of prophethood exist.

There are three kinds of prophethood: 

1. Law-bearing prophethood (Tashrey  Nabuwat or Haqiqi Nabuwat)– like the prophethood given to Hazrat Musā(as) and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa, bearing laws 

2. Non-law-bearing independent prophethood  (Mustaqil Nabuwat)– prophethood gained directly from Allāh, the Exalted, and not by following the Holy Prophet(sa) 

3. Non-law-bearing dependant prophethood – prophethood gained through the beneficence and perfect obedience of the Holy Prophetsa, also known as zillī prophethood

The great Muhaddith and Mujaddid (divine reformer), Shah Waliullah of Delhi, writes in his book Tafhimat al-Ilahiyah:

وختم به النبيون اى لا يوجد بعده من يأمره الله سبحانه بالتشريع على الناس

Translation: Through him (Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam) the Prophets were sealed, meaning, there cannot be after him one commissioned by Allah with a Shari’ah for the people.

Source: Tafhimat al-Ilahiyah, V. 2, P.72-73

What about the Ahadith that say "La Nabi Abadee"?

But wait, you may say, Jesus(pbuh) was given his prophet before Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) therefore he is not a prophet after him however if we take this to it's logical extent then Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) was the first of the Prophets.

The aim of this discourse is that while my ignorant opponents accuse me of claiming to be a Prophet or Messenger, I myself make no such claim. I am neither a Prophet nor a Messenger as they think. But I am a Prophet and a Messenger in the way that I have just explained. Therefore, false and evil is the thinking of the one who mischievously accuses me of claiming to be a Prophet and Messenger. It is only by way of Buruz that I have been made a Prophet and a Messenger, and it is on this very basis that Allah has repeatedly named me His Prophet and His Messenger, but only by way of Buruz. My own self comes nowhere in between, rather it all belongs to Muhammad Mustafa sa. Thus it is that I have been called Muhammad(sa) and Ahmad(sa. Hence, Prophethood and Messengership have not been transferred to anyone else. What belonged to Muhammadsa remains with Muhammadsa. On him be blessings and peace. 

Humbly, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad 


5th November, 1901 

[A Misconception Removed pgs. 20-21]