Who are the Islamic Scholars?

In defending Ahmadiyyat we are given the names of many scholars however as a newbie many of us do not know of their significance. This article seeks to rectify that.

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Wisdom of a Man of the Pharaoh

This is a wisdom that the Government of Pakistan should follow. Besides this the question this article answers is how we should treat claimants to prophethood.

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Baba Guru Nanak's Chola, Pothi Sahib, and Deen

Strengthening the argument that Baba Guru Nanak was a Muslim. Aswell as replying to hostility and criticism.

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Maulvi Sanaullah Amritsari accepted Isa(as)'s death

One of the Main Muslim Opponents of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(a.s.) accepted that Isa(as) had indeed passed away.

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Ibnul Wardi: A Section of Muslims Believed Descent of Jesus (A.S) Means Someone Who Resembles Him

A Section of Muslims in the past prior to the founding of Ahmadiyyat believed Descent of Jesus (A.S) Means Someone Who Resembles Him

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Abdul Majid Daryabadi’s Translation of 3:55 “I shall make thee DIE”

Abdul Majid Daryabadi’s Translation of 3:55 “I shall make thee DIE”

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The Quran vs Ahadith - The Ludhiana Debate

Can the Quran be interpreted in the light of Ahadith or can the Ahadith be interpreted in light of the Quran? Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) debated this issue against Maulvi Hussain of Batala. Find out more in this article!

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Shia Hadith: Mahdi is the Messiah and his name is 'Al-Ghulam'

Al-Najm al-thāqib fī aḥwāl al-imām al-ghāʾib (النَجم الثاقِب في أحوال الإمام الغائِب) has a hadith where it states the Mahdi will have two names "Masih al-Zaman"(Messiah of the Time) and "Al-Ghulaam"(Servant) and he will resemble Jesus(pbuh) the most in behavior and appearance. It a

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One Proof of the Prophethood of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw)

What is the Proof of the Qur'an? What is a proof for the Prophethood of Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw)?

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