
Will Non Muslims go to hell? Is believing in the revelation of Muhammad(saw) necessary for going to Jannah?

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Free Will vs An All Knowing God

Are these two concepts contradictions? Does this mean that there is no God? Is there a deeper meaning to this?

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Is Hell eternal?

Is Hell Eternal or Not?

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Does the death of Isa(as) from Quran disprove the second coming?

Quranists are willing to believe that Isa(as) has died however they do not believe in his second coming.

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Punishment of Homosexuality in Islam

What is the punishment of Homosexuality acts in Islam? Is it Stoning? If not, then what is it?

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Fake Hadith of Eclipse?

As Eclipses were one of the major signs of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) what do we do with the fact that many scholars have regarded that hadith of Dar al-Qutni has weak?

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Is Jami 'Utbiyyah unauthentic?

Many can not accept that Imam Malik believed that Isa(as) died so they try to attack

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Touching the Quran

A conversation between an Imam and a Student of Knowledge on handling the Quran.

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Is the Ahmadiyya View of Age of Aisha(ra) wrong?

People are eager to discredit the Ahmadiyya interpretation of Hadrat Sayyidna Aisha(ra)'s age. The question is whether it is credible or not?

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The Messiah Would End Wars

Will the Masih come to stop wars or created more wars?

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Death of Isa(as) disproves Advent of Hadrat Ahmad(as)

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