Arabic Grammar supports Ahmadis on 33:40

I shall explain why Non Ahmadi view of 33:40 is wrong through Grammar.

Firstly some grammar:

-We need to focus on the Arabic word لكن 

-It means 'however' or 'but' 

-Arabic Grammar teaches us that the word is used for the purpose of 'istidraak' which means correction, rectification, or amendment

-The word appears between two statements opposed in meaning, if the phrase before positively affirms something, then the phrase after would be negative

-If the phrase before is negative then the phrase after would be positive

How does that apply to the ayah?:
-Allah the Almighty states that Prophet Muhammad(saw) is not the father of any of your men, and negates his physical fatherhood

-After this Allah uses 'lakin' and makes another statement.

-The word tells us since the biological fatherhood of Muhammad(saw) has been negated in the preceding statement, the following statement would affirm his fatherhood. 

-Classical Sunni Scholars like Imam Razi(rh), Imam Baidawi, and Imam Zamakshari had this view as well.