Free Will vs An All Knowing God

Free will and the knowledge of God are not to be conflated. We always decide freely. It is correct that God knows how we will decide, but His knowledge corresponds to reality and is therefore a result of our decisions. If our decision did not exist, our decision would not be reality. So it is not the knowledge of God that predetermines our decisions, but our decisions feed into God's knowledge retroactively. Only when we decide, does this decision become reality and the knowledge about this decision enters into the omniscience of God. 

What many cannot comprehend is that it does not matter to God when we decide, since He is exalted above the spatio-temporal dimension. There is no future or past for God. It may be imagined that for us creatures time is like a bar or a line, but for God it is something like a point or dot. 

It is almost impossible for man to think outside the temporal dimension. Words like "will" and "was" are not relevant to God's perspective, they are of no value in this context. When we decide is irrelevant to God's omniscience. 

Sometimes it is said that this would mean that God at the time of our creation could not know how we would decide, otherwise He would not need life as a test to see how we then decide. Now, if life did not exist as a test, it would not be in God's prehistoric knowledge, or let us rather say super temporal knowledge. Because there is life, there is also knowledge about it. Life has happened and thus is reality. However, God's knowledge of this reality does not depend on when it "is", "was" or "will be". God "always" "knew" "everything", but God did not "know" what "should not become", but what "should become". God created one and tested one. As a person trapped in time, one knows about the outcome of one's trial only afterwards, but if the trial did not exist, one would not know afterwards that it exists, because only because it existed did it become reality and one knew afterwards that it existed and that one decided so and so... For God there is no "after". What one "knows" or "knew" "afterwards", God "always" knows. 

Again, a summary: God's knowledge and our free decisions are two different things and independent of each other. Our free decisions condition God's knowledge of them. It's not that, because God knows how we choose, that's why we decide that way, but God knows we will make that choice and we decide ourselves freely and independently.