Shah Nimatullah Wali Predicts Hadrat Ahmad(as)

Shah Nimatullahi Wali's prophecies are famous in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent for their striking accuracy,

Prediction of Nimatullah Wali

The Promised Messiah(as) quoted verses from the well-known work of the 14th Century Sufi poet Shah Nimatullah Wali (1330-1431), predicting the Appearance of Messiah and Mahdi. (Qaseeda Shah Nimatullah Wali quoted by Shah Ismail Shaheed (1779-1831) in his book Al-Arba'in fi Ahwal-al-Mahdiyin (pages: 49-52) Published 1851).

Verses from Nimatullah:

"I do not say all this by reading the stars: Nay! I relate what God Almighty has told me. Immediately after the passage of twelve hundred years, I see terrible things happening.

I see that a new coin is struck, Whose value is less than it seems.

I see the face of the moon darkened; And the heart of the sun I see wounded.

I envision the joy of meeting the Sweetheart; I envision the rising of the sun of a happy spring.

When his tenure comes to its successful end, I see that he will be succeeded by his illustrious son.

I foresee that aristocrats and nobles; Will become his faithful disciples.

He resembles the Holy Prophet in his appearance; And I find him to be of placid disposition and I see him as the universally accepted leader; The whole world following him faithfully.

I see the name of that illustrious personage written; And I read: Alif, Ha, Mim, and Dal (A H M aD)

With his advent I see that the faith of the world shall prosper; And mankind will float upon a wave of good fortune.

I see that he is the Mahdi and the Messiah of the age; And he is the champion in both capacities.

I see the whole world has become like one big city.... "

The short treatise upon Shah Nimatullah Wali's (1330-1431) prediction testifies to his being the Mahdi and Messiah, appearing in the Thirteenth century (Hijri), within a new Government in India (The British Government)[... new Coin is struck]. The prophecy of The Messiah and Mahdi to be followed by an illustrious SON also applies to him, he wrote. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had prophesied that he shall be followed by a son, who shall be like him in his qualities. He claimed the Prophecy of Shah Nimatullah Wali mentioning the name of the coming reformer as AHMAD,[4] was about him, which is his name. The book, Arba‘in Fi Ahwalil Mahdiyyin, which Mirza Ghulam Ahmad commented upon, had been published on 25 Muharram 1268 (Hijri)[19 November 1851 C.E.].,[5] a person claiming to be the Messiah and Mahdi of the Age. Ahmad writes, " It is evident that during the last thirteen hundred years none other than myself has proclaimed to be the Promised ‘Isa...And he is the champion in both capacities. This means that he shall be the Mahdi as well as ‘Isa, and shall be endowed with both attributes which will be manifested in him. This last couplet is a wonderful elucidation from which it can be clearly understood that, by the command of God, he will also claim to be Jesus" (page-33).[6] It is also claimed that the verse, " I see the face of the moon darkened; And the heart of the sun I see wounded. ", foretells about the Sign of the Eclipse of the Sun and Moon in the month of Ramadhan on the appointed dates. The sign of lunar eclipse has been discussed on this site here.

Did Nimatullah's predictions indicate that Ahmad(as) was nauzbillah a liar?

There is a saying:

Two persons, both named “Ahmed” will do corrupted tasfeer of Quran, and deviate peole. [could be referring to Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani and Pervez Ahmed]

This saying is false.

A question was asked to Hazrat Maulvi Abdur Rahim Nayyarra, regarding Nimatullah Wali and if he predicted a prophecy of Ahmad(As) nauzbillah being a liar the conversation was as follows:

Question: There exists a qaseeda [poem] of Shah Nimatullah Wali [a Persian saint]. Most people here read it and recite it. It is written therein that two individuals by the name of Ahmad will misguide people. One was, of course, Syed Ahmad. The second they regard to be Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. What is the validity of this? 

Answer: For a few years, a cleric from the North-West Frontier Province has been publishing a qaseeda and attributing it to Hazrat Nimatullah Wali. Its language is of the modern age and its names are of this age. Its author appears to be an enemy of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and the British Government, and he holds animosity towards Nasrullah Khan and Habibullah – rulers of Afghanistan. Hence, the government of Punjab confiscated this qaseeda

In reality, the qaseeda of Hazrat Nimatullah Wali is that which Hazrat Ismail Shaheed recorded in his book Arba‘in and the Promised Messiahas applied it to himself. As the likes of Maulana Ismail Shaheed and Hazrat Syed Ahmed Barelvi and his community have attested to the authenticity of this qaseeda, for this reason it is safe to say that all qaseedas aside it are the publications of another person. Shah Nimatullah Wali has no relation with these. (Al Hakam, 21-28 September 1918)